Turning back time at 36


I've decided that it's time. Time for me to shed the extra weight. Time for me to clear out the years of gunk building in my veins and arteries. Time for me to regain my life!

My title may be confusing, so let me explain. I've tried the popular P90X workout and it is great. Recently, I've tried another product from Beachbody called "Insanity". Let me tell you... IT IS INSANE! However, at my age (36) it's also hard on the joints. There is a ton of jump training in back-to-back days, and it was just too much. So, here is what I've done.

I took the best of P90X and the best of Insanity and I've combined them for one awesome workout! On Mon, Wed, and Fri, I do the Insanity cardio stuff. On Tues and Thur, I do the P90X stuff. I match the workouts with what the program says to do on the first month. It may sound complicated, but it's really not. Let the X-Sanity begin!!

Feel free to add comments or post questions and I'll be glad to try and answer them. No laughing at my pics, though!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rolling with the Punches...

That is why life is all about, rolling with it and making the best out what you have.  You can't always expect life and schedule to be exact and today was one of those days.  Drew, my 8 month old son, has been sick for a little while now and we had to get him in the doc today, so schedules conflicted and I couldn't do the scheduled workout.  However, I did make the most out of what little bit of weights that I have left in my basement (most of my weights are at my neighbor and workout partner's house) by doing some bench press and some alternating one arm shoulder presses.  Remember, do what you can when you can and don't worry about things... the end result will still be there.

Bench: 160 x 10, 10, 8, and then barely 6

Shoulder Press: 45 lb DBs x 10, 10, 8, and 8.

It wasn't the best, but I was happy to get in a few reps of some heavy (for me) reps.

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