Turning back time at 36


I've decided that it's time. Time for me to shed the extra weight. Time for me to clear out the years of gunk building in my veins and arteries. Time for me to regain my life!

My title may be confusing, so let me explain. I've tried the popular P90X workout and it is great. Recently, I've tried another product from Beachbody called "Insanity". Let me tell you... IT IS INSANE! However, at my age (36) it's also hard on the joints. There is a ton of jump training in back-to-back days, and it was just too much. So, here is what I've done.

I took the best of P90X and the best of Insanity and I've combined them for one awesome workout! On Mon, Wed, and Fri, I do the Insanity cardio stuff. On Tues and Thur, I do the P90X stuff. I match the workouts with what the program says to do on the first month. It may sound complicated, but it's really not. Let the X-Sanity begin!!

Feel free to add comments or post questions and I'll be glad to try and answer them. No laughing at my pics, though!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week 5 - Friday's Workout

I'm a little late getting this up, but yesterday was very productive.  I got in a short 2 mile jog first thing in the morning, plus I also did a 45 min Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning later yesterday.  The "Max" series is extremely difficult... and the Max Cardio Conditioning workout doesn't actually have any time allotted for a waterbreak, so you have to just try and get one here and there.  I finished the workout, but had to take 10-20 second breaks scattered throughout the 45 minutes.  Also, this time I took a half-and-half drink of water/Gatorade for recovery... that really made a big difference in energy.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rolling with the Punches...

That is why life is all about, rolling with it and making the best out what you have.  You can't always expect life and schedule to be exact and today was one of those days.  Drew, my 8 month old son, has been sick for a little while now and we had to get him in the doc today, so schedules conflicted and I couldn't do the scheduled workout.  However, I did make the most out of what little bit of weights that I have left in my basement (most of my weights are at my neighbor and workout partner's house) by doing some bench press and some alternating one arm shoulder presses.  Remember, do what you can when you can and don't worry about things... the end result will still be there.

Bench: 160 x 10, 10, 8, and then barely 6

Shoulder Press: 45 lb DBs x 10, 10, 8, and 8.

It wasn't the best, but I was happy to get in a few reps of some heavy (for me) reps.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Week 5 - Max Interval Circuit

Only about 15 minutes ago I was begging for the sweet kiss of death to take me away... seriously, the new "Max" part of Insanity is totally bananas.  The entire workout is 58 minutes long and I had a HR or 170 at 6 minutes into the workout!  At one point I felt real woozy and checked it and was at 183... Another thing I will have to remember is to bring a bigger container of water... I ran out with 15 minutes of workout time remaining... geez... that was rough! 

Chest, Shoulder and Tris tomorrow... oh boy.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 5 - Back & Bis

Starting a new phase of both programs this week... in the P90X series I'm now combining my back exercises with my bicep exercises.  Its been 20 minutes since I finished the workout and I can still barely type this post!  I don't know if my biceps have ever been this pumped!  Now, if I can only get them to look like this all day long...

Oh, another change is the rounds... You only do an exercise one time and there is only one 45 second water break at the 1/2 way point. 

Here is the workout:

Back & Bis Wgt. Rd 1
Wide Pull-ups
Lawnmowers 35 12
1-Arm Crossbody Curls 35 6
Switch Grip Pull-ups
Elbow-out Lawnmowers 35 12
Standing Bicep Curls 75 8
1-Arm Concentration Curls 35 6
Corn Cob Pull-ups
Rev. Grip Bentover Rows 35 8
Open Arm Curls 12 10
Static Arm Curls 12 14
Towel Pull-ups
Congdon Locomotives 35 30
Crouching Cohen Curls 75 6
Corkscrew Curls 35 5
Chin ups
Seated Bentover Back Flys
Curl Up / Hammer Down 25 12
Hammer Curls 35 6
Max Rep Pull-ups
In/Out Hammer Curls 25 12
Strip Set Curls 35 5

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday - Day Off

My workout partner called in sick on me today... and made a deal at the same time... we take today off, but make up for it this Saturday.  Sounds good to me.  Also, we're planning on doing a few changes this week and one of them is adding a early morning run twice a week.  We'll see how that goes.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Gone Hiking!

I skipped out on doing Insanity workout and instead met my beautiful wife at Clinton Preserve for some nature trail hiking!  We only had an hour before she had to leave to pick up the kids from daycare, but we were able to get in about 3 miles of trails!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week 4 - Shoulder & Arms

Feeling a bit sluggish today, but pushed through anyway.

Today's results:

Shoulders and Arms Weight Round 1 Round 2
Alt. Shoulder Press  75 12 8
Ez Curl Bar 75 8 10
Overhead Tricep Ext.  75 10 10
Swimmer's Press 75 8 8
Alt. 1-Arm Sup Curl  35 8 6
Dips 28 30
Upright Rows  75 8 10
Ez Curl Bar 75 8 8
Donkey Kickbacks 25 8 8
Seated Shoulder Flys  25 8 8
Hammer Alt. Curls 25 10 10
Lying Tricep Ext.  75 10 8
Straight Arm Ext  10 16 16
Congdon Curls  35 6 6
Side-Tri-Rise 10 10

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Week 4 - Plyo

Before we start... I'd like to apologize for the background in yesterday's video, as well as today's video that you can find below.  Gators Suck and Dawgs Rule!  However, to get to know the enemy you sometimes have to travel to their territory.... I learned that orange and blue are horrific colors.

Anyway, here is the video of me doing Insanity's Plyo workout.  I hope the intensity of workout comes through in the video - I know I experienced the intensity!  Also, I have to say that it is a very humbling experience watching your shirtless body flail about on video.  The picture I had in my head does not match what I saw on the video! LOL ~ Oh well, that is why I will continue to work hard.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week 4 - Chest & Back

Well, I finally did it.  I recorded today's workout, but I must warn you that the quality is between poor and poop - and probably closer to poop.  Nevertheless, here it is:

Chest and Back Weight Round 1 Round 2
Push up 33 30
Pull up 7 4
Military Push up 25 14
Reverse Grip Pull up 6 4
Wide Push up 30 25
Close Grip Pull up 6 4
Decline Push up 20 15
Heavy Pants  35lb DB 12 12
Diamond Push up 15 15
Lawnmowers  35lb DB 12 12
Dive Bomber Push up 12 15
Chest Fly  35lb DB 8 4

Monday, February 14, 2011

Mon - Week 4 - Pure Cardio

Week 4 Monday Weight:  165

We took off Friday to allow our old bodies to rest.  The plan was to give a nice 3 day break and start back today.  I did that for the most part, but on Saturday I was able to slide down to the basement for 4 quick sets of bench press.  Last year for my 36th birthday, I benched my bodyweight by my age in 4 sets: So I did 165 lbs for reps of 10, 10, 8 and 8.  This year I want to do the same thing, except maybe add some weight or maybe try and do it in just 3 sets.... we'll see.

Anyway, today was great... well, truthfully it stunk, but I worked it out and gave it my all.  Monday workouts are super tough.

I have good news... I have the video camera ready and plan to take snipits from my workout tomorrow and post it... if goes smooth enough, I'll do it for each workout the rest of the week so that you can actually see me doing this work.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Arms & Shoulders - Week 3

If only my arms could look like this everyday!  Right now they are so jacked full of blood its crazy... so much so that I couldn't even do my last set of curls because I had trouble getting my grip!  Forearms - that's another thing that fatigues faster than you would think... anyway, great workout!  Here are the numbers:

Shoulders and Arms Weight Round 1 Round 2
Alt. Shoulder Press  75 10 10
Ez Curl Bar 75 10 10
Overhead Tricep Ext.  75 10 10
Swimmer's Press 75 8 8
Alt. 1-Arm Sup Curl  35 8 8
Dips   30 30
Upright Rows  75 10 10
Static Curls  25 16 16
Donkey Kickbacks 25 8 8
Seated Shoulder Flys  25 8 8
Cohen Curls 25 10 10
Lying Tricep Ext.  75 10 8
Straight Arm Ext  10 16 16
Congdon Curls       
Side-Tri-Rise   10 10

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Plyo - Week 3

What a workout!  Today I wore my heart rate monitor again to try and see where my HR is at during my workout.  After my "warm-up" my HR was up to 170... during my workout it hovered between 160 and 175.  I have to do some research to see where it should be. 

The end of this workout is what kills me.  For the last 12 minutes of the workout we have to do Level 1 Drills (from a standing position to down and do 4 push-ups, then 4 runs, then come back up... do that 10 times), then stay in the push-up position, which is called the "plank" and do Ski Abs (from a plank position, jump legs up and out to the left, then back to plank, then to the right) for 1 minute... then finish with 1 minute of In-Out Abs (from plank position, jump feet up under where you stomach as just at, then back to plank).  It was killer.

Seriously, I'm going to try and video this next week.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chest & Back - Week 3

Had a great workout today!  I'm sure I'll end up paying for it over the next 2 days, but I pushed as hard as I could go today.  I took my reps to my absolute max, and for the most part I increased my reps over last week.  This is good because next week is the last week we do this workout as we'll be moving to phase 2 and that has a totally different DVD and workouts... so I'll have one final week to really blow it out. 

Here is my workout sheet:

Chest and Back Weight Round 1 Round 2
Push up   30 30
Pull up   7 4
Military Push up   20 15
Reverse Grip Pull up   5 4
Wide Push up   25 25
Close Grip Pull up   5 4
Decline Push up   20 20
Heavy Pants  35lb DB 12 12
Diamond Push up   15 15
Lawnmowers  35lb DB 12 12
Dive Bomber Push up   15 15
Chest Fly  35lb DB 8 6

Monday, February 7, 2011

Week 3 Starts Here

******** FULL DISCLOSURE *********

Before I get into today's workout and my weight this morning, let me tell remind everyone reading this blog about two things.  1) For those of you that don't know this already I am a homebrewer.  I've been brewing my own beer since last summer and to be honest I'm pretty good at it.  Currently I have about 5 different styles of beer bottled in my basement.  2) Yesterday was Superbowl Sunday.  Add those two things together and you have one deadly combination!

With all of that noted, my morning weight wasn't too awful as I'm only up 2 pounds.  It doesn't matter b/c it was worth it anyway.  I had a great time hanging with my Sweetie and 2 babies.  The teenager skipped out on us... as usual.

On to business... Weight: 168

Today we did the Insanity Pure Cardio.  It was a slow go for the first 8-10 minutes and I could feel the gunk sloshing around in my gut, but I continued on and started hitting my stride around the 15th minute or so.  The last two exercises are the suicide jumps and power jacks and let me tell you they are extremely tough to finish!  I had to take 2 breaks in each one... breaks are only about 10 seconds or so... just long enough to sip some water. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

TGIF - Week 2 in the bag!

That is a great feeling!  That means I have worked out 10 out of the last 12 days!  So far so good.

Today we did the same workout as last Friday... we started off with a 15 minute Cardio Abs workout from the Insanity series, then we followed that up with doing the 12 min warm-up, except we do the warm-up at full speed.  I wore a heart rate monitor for the first time and was able to check throughout... I was around 125 during the cardio abs session, then around between 181-183 during the hard core part. 

I'm a little concerned with Monday's weigh-in, since this is Superbowl Sunday weekend... planning on some wings (grilled and dipped in my own sauce) and a few brews... we'll see, maybe I postpone weigh-in until Tuesday morning. :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thur - Shoulder and Arms

Today's workout was awesome!  I felt really strong and had plenty of energy throughout the workout... I know this wasn't a case of not bringing the intensity b/c I was giving it all I had.  I just think that since I've been working out 9 out of the last 11 days, my body is starting to get used to the energy drain.  I went up in most of my weights from last week's Shoulder & Arms workout, too.

Here are my results:

Shoulders and Arms Weight Round 1 Round 2
Alt. Shoulder Press  75 10 10
In/Out Bicep Curls  75 8 8
Overhead Tricep Ext.  75 8 7
Swimmer's Press 75 8 6
Alt. 1-Arm Sup Curl  35 6 20
Dips   20 20
Upright Rows  75 10 10
Static Curls  25 16 12
Overhead Tricep Ext. 25 10 10
Seated Shoulder Flys  25 8 8
Cohen Curls 25 10 10
Lying Tricep Ext.  75 8 8
Straight Arm Ext  10 16 16
Congdon Curls  25 10 8
Side-Tri-Rise   10 10

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Plyo - Wednesday - Week 2

I'm tired.  My hands are shaking as I type this out... just finished doing the Plyo workout from the P90X program and it is a beast.  The end of the workout is what kills me... I was just about to explain, but I think it would be better to just show you, so I'm going to work on videoing this workout next week. 

In the mean time, I paid closer attention to the timing of this workout and here is how it breaks down:

Easy: 3:30 - of jog, jumping jacks, heisman, 1-2-3 heisman, butt kicks, high knees, mummy kicks
Moderate: 3:30 - same as above
All Out: 3:30 - same as above

Water Break: 30 seconds

Stretch: 7 minutes (not as easy as it sounds)

22 minutes of hard core exercises like: suicide drills, power squats, mountain climbers, ski downs, basketball jumpers, ski abs, in-out abs, and a few others... we had I think 4 breaks at 30 seconds each.

Cool down lasted about 3 minutes.

Shower time.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Chest and Back - Tues - Week 2

First, I hope and pray that tomorrow I don't feel like I did last week after this workout!  It took me until the weekend to get all the soreness out!

Today was tough, but like last week it kind of creeps up on you.  All of the sudden I felt like "Man, I'm freaking tired!".

Today's workout:

Chest and Back Weight Round 1 Round 2
Push up 28 25
Pull up 7 3
Military Push up 18 11
Reverse Grip Pull up 5 3
Wide Push up 20 16
Close Grip Pull up 5 3
Decline Push up 15 12
Heavy Pants  25lb DB 15 16
Diamond Push up 20 15
Lawnmowers  35lb DB 15 16
Dive Bomber Push up 12 12
Back Fly  25lb DB 12 15